White Pine : Pests

Scott Tunnock. “White Pine Weevil Damage”. USDA Forest Service. http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5343827.pdf
There are several pests that affect the white pine, the most notable being the white pine weevil. The white pine weevil kills the terminal shoot, forcing other branches to grow upward to establish a new one that may be killed again. The pesky bug usually does not kill the tree, but it does cause deformation at the top as well as reduced growth (Wendel). Yet another weevil called the pale weevil often destroys seedlings in areas where White Pine timber was recently cut. The pale weevil will also destroy cones and is a threat because White Pines have a low seed yield. White pine blister rust and red ring rot are among other diseases that plague White Pines (Wendel).