Douglas Fir : Works Cited

Works Cited:
Bohan, Heidi. “The Mouse, the Douglas-fir, and the Great Forest Fire.” Starflower       Foundation. 2006. Web. Sept 29, 2013.
Bunting, Robert. The Pacific Raincoast: Environment and Culture in an American Eden,   1778-1900. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997. Print.
Dirks-Edmunds, Jane Claire. Not Just Trees: The Legacy of a Douglas-fir Forest.       Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1999. Print.
Gilli. “The Legend of the Douglas-fir Cone.” Dec 19, 2008. Web. Sept 29, 2013.
Hood, Sharon Assessing Post-Fire Douglas-fir Mortality and Douglas-fir Beetle Attacks in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Fort Collins: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2007. Web.
“Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco Douglas-fir.” U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Natural    Resources Conservation Service. 2013. Web. Sept 28, 2013.
Rodd, Tony, and Jennifer Stackhouse. Trees: A Visual Guide. Berkeley: University of     California Press, 2008. Print.
Suzuki, David, and Wayne Grady. Tree: A Life Story. Vancouver: Greystone Books,       2004. Print.

Photos Cited:
Bureau of Land Management. Northern Spotted Owl. Photograph. Jan 31, 2013. Wikimedia Commons. Web. Oct 14, 2013.
Douglas-fir Cone. Photograph. Sept 30, 2013. Bureau of Land Management. Web. Oct 15, 2013.
Douglas-fir Fire. Photograph. Sept 30, 2013. National Park Service. Web. Oct 14, 2013.
Edward Price, Homer. Douglas-fir. Photograph. Oct 25, 2008. Wikimedia Commons. Web. Oct 14, 2013.
National Park Service Digital Image Archives. Olympic National Park. Photograph. N.d. Wikimedia Commons. Web. Oct 15, 2013.
UVM Green. Aerial Photograph. 2013. Web. Sept 29, 2013.
Wilse, Anders B. 9-foot diameter Douglas-fir. Photograph. 1900. Wikimedia Commons. Web. Oct 14, 2013.