FPK to Edna Hale, January 30, 1934


Dublin Core


FPK to Edna Hale, January 30, 1934


January 30, 1934

My dear Cousin Ednah:-

I am very sorry for the long delay in answering your letter of of October 23rd. I have been abroad for three and a half months, and only returned here on the 20th.

I did not have with me in Europe a copy of my article of Aunt Nancy, so I could not send it to you, as you requested. I take pleasure, however, in doing so now--with a stamped envelope for return--and I trust you will derive enjoyment from it. I still feel sure that this sketch will find a welcome somewhere and sometime. The latest story of mine which has been accepted both for magazine and book publication--a historical novel entitled "The Safe Bridge"--did not meet with a receptive editor until ten years after it was first drafted. This has been a good lesson to me never to be permanently discouraged.

I am sorry you have had so much illness and trouble. These are hard times for everyone, but you seem to have had more than your share.

Always affectionately yours,

Miss Ednah B. Hale,
109 Bowen Street,
Rhode Island.


Frances Parkinson Keyes


From the collection of Frances Parkinson Keyes Papers, Special Collections, University of Vermont Library.




Hope Greenberg


Box 1, folder 11

About the Original Item

Date Added
October 17, 2014
Frances Parkinson Keyes Collection
Frances Parkinson Keyes, “FPK to Edna Hale, January 30, 1934,” Omeka@CTL, accessed March 1, 2025, https://libraryexhibits.uvm.edu/omeka/items/show/2016.
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