FPK to D. S. Cook, Jr., October 25, 1949


Dublin Core


FPK to D. S. Cook, Jr., October 25, 1949


Frances Parkinson Keyes


From the collection of Frances Parkinson Keyes, Special Collections, University of Vermont.




Additional correspondence in FPK to D. S. Cook, Jr., July 22, 1949.


Box 6, folder 11

Document Item Type Metadata


Newbury, Vermont
October 25, 1949

Mr. D.S. Cook, Jr.
2020 Stuart
Monroe Louisiana

My dear Mr. Cook:
I am so sorry to seem so very slow in sending you the promised check for you beautiful picture of the Pirates Alley. Harper and Brothers decided that they wished to include in my forthcoming book, ALL THIS IS LOUISIANA, as soon as they saw it, but we have only just received the necessary permission from the TIMES-PIGAYUNE for its reproduction.
I, herewith, inclose the promised check for $5.00 and, of course, your picture will carry your by-line, which should give you a good deal of national recognition. Your name will be put on a mailing list for an advance copy of the first edition of the book.
With kind regards, I am
Very sincerely yours,
Frances Parkinson Keyes

About the Original Item

Date Added
November 21, 2013
Frances Parkinson Keyes Collection
Frances Parkinson Keyes, “FPK to D. S. Cook, Jr., October 25, 1949,” Omeka@CTL, accessed February 4, 2025, http://libraryexhibits.uvm.edu/omeka/items/show/1358.
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