Letter from FPK to President Herbert Hoover from May 7, 1931
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Letter from FPK to President Herbert Hoover from May 7, 1931
Letter from FPK to President Hoover describing her desire to stimulate the interest of women for the next campaign.
From the collection of FPK Papers, Special Collections, University of Vermont Library.
Digitized and Transcribed by Lauren Porell
Copy of letter from FPK to President Hoover
Copy of typewritten letter
UVM Library, Special Collections, FPK Papers, box 3, folder 33
Sent to the President in Washington, D.C.
Document Item Type Metadata
May 7, 1931
My dear Mr. President:
Since my return from Porto Rico, I have had a conference, at her request, with Mrs. Lenna Yost, Chairman of Women's Organization in the Republican National Committee, concerning the services which I might best render to stimulate the interest of women throughout the country in the next campaign. As she pointed out, my position as a writer of current events and the Associate Editor of a large magazine, and also as the wife of a Republican Senator, is unique and should be advantageous.
As the result of this conference, I am happy to say that I have arranged with my Editor-in-Chief for a series of articles throughout the coming year in Good Housekeeping -- which has a circulation of over a million and a half -- with permission to reprint these in pamphlet for distribution by the Republican National Committee. The articles will outline the activities of women in government positions, exclusive of women in Congress and such well-known persons as Grace Abbott, Mary Anderson, etc., but including those who are serving as consuls and trade commissioners in various parts of the world, with those who are executives in field service, and those who hold positions in the different departments, besides those who, in a less conspicuous way, are nevertheless serving their country and their party in small places and minor positions. Needless to say, the work involved in preparing this series will take me to various parts of the United States and Europe, and probably to the Orient as well.
I have already had a most satisfactory talk with Dr. Klein, who has been good enough to take an interest in my work in the past, and have found him most enthusiastic and cooperative in regard to the best manner of approaching the women who come [page 2] under the supervision of the Department of Commerce. Before going any further with my plans, however, I should like to come and see you with Mrs. Yost, for a triangular conference, and for the purpose of reopening from a slightly different angle, the topic of which you and I discussed on March twelfth and which you gave me permission to bring up again later. I hope very much that you will be able to see us for a few minutes, and I assure you that we will not approach upon your time for more than that.
Very respectfully yours,
Mrs. Henry W. Keyes
Honorable Herbert Hoover,
The White House,
Washington, D. C.
My dear Mr. President:
Since my return from Porto Rico, I have had a conference, at her request, with Mrs. Lenna Yost, Chairman of Women's Organization in the Republican National Committee, concerning the services which I might best render to stimulate the interest of women throughout the country in the next campaign. As she pointed out, my position as a writer of current events and the Associate Editor of a large magazine, and also as the wife of a Republican Senator, is unique and should be advantageous.
As the result of this conference, I am happy to say that I have arranged with my Editor-in-Chief for a series of articles throughout the coming year in Good Housekeeping -- which has a circulation of over a million and a half -- with permission to reprint these in pamphlet for distribution by the Republican National Committee. The articles will outline the activities of women in government positions, exclusive of women in Congress and such well-known persons as Grace Abbott, Mary Anderson, etc., but including those who are serving as consuls and trade commissioners in various parts of the world, with those who are executives in field service, and those who hold positions in the different departments, besides those who, in a less conspicuous way, are nevertheless serving their country and their party in small places and minor positions. Needless to say, the work involved in preparing this series will take me to various parts of the United States and Europe, and probably to the Orient as well.
I have already had a most satisfactory talk with Dr. Klein, who has been good enough to take an interest in my work in the past, and have found him most enthusiastic and cooperative in regard to the best manner of approaching the women who come [page 2] under the supervision of the Department of Commerce. Before going any further with my plans, however, I should like to come and see you with Mrs. Yost, for a triangular conference, and for the purpose of reopening from a slightly different angle, the topic of which you and I discussed on March twelfth and which you gave me permission to bring up again later. I hope very much that you will be able to see us for a few minutes, and I assure you that we will not approach upon your time for more than that.
Very respectfully yours,
Mrs. Henry W. Keyes
Honorable Herbert Hoover,
The White House,
Washington, D. C.
About the Original Item
- Date Added
- November 7, 2013
- Collection
- Frances Parkinson Keyes Collection
- Item Type
- Document
- Citation
- FPK, “Letter from FPK to President Herbert Hoover from May 7, 1931,” Omeka@CTL, accessed March 9, 2025, http://libraryexhibits.uvm.edu/omeka/items/show/1316.
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