Henry W. Keyes Jr. to Horace Liveright Inc., March 3, 1930


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Henry W. Keyes Jr. to Horace Liveright Inc., March 3, 1930


Letter expresses concern for his mother's book about becoming a movie. The production company hasn't been answering previous letters sent by Henry W. Keyes Jr. about the status of the manuscript being turned into a movie adaptation.


Henry W. Keyes Jr.


From the collection of Frances Parkinson Keyes, Special Collections, University of Vermont




Brodey Lajoie & Rachel Murray


Reading copy


Carbon copy of typewritten letter



Document Item Type Metadata


Horace Liveright, Inc.,
61 West 48th Street,
New York City.
In re “Queen Anne’s Lace”
My last three letters to Mr. Pezet have not been acknowledged in any way, and I am wondering whether he ash left you or whether he is ill. In either case, it occurs to me that my letters to him may not have come to the attention of anyone else in the firm, and I am most anxious to receive some reply on the matters concerning which I wrote him.
The other two letters, written February 16 and 24, informed him that I had received from Paramount a request for the permission to read “Queen Anne’s Lace”. I have no copy of the revised version in my possession; but it was Delineator who referred Paramount to me, and Paramount suggested that if I were willing, they might read the story at the Delineator office. I told Mr. Pezet that I had full authority from my other to negotiate her motion picture rights in her behalf, I asked Mr. Pezet if he had any objection to Paramount reading the book; and also told him that Frances Marion, of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, a personal friend of my mother, had previously expressed considerable like to get in touch with her as well with Paramount, in fairness to her and also to obtain the best possible contract.
As our contract calls for cooperation between author and published in the disposal of movie rights, I have awaited word from Mr. Pezet before taking any action; but I do not like to delay my answer to Paramount much longer for fear of prejudicing my mother’s chances for disposing of the motion picture rights to best advantage. I am, therefore, addressing this letter to you in the hope of ascertaining you wishes.
Very truly yours,

About the Original Item

Date Added
November 14, 2013
Frances Parkinson Keyes Collection
Item Type
Henry W. Keyes Jr., “Henry W. Keyes Jr. to Horace Liveright Inc., March 3, 1930,” Omeka@CTL, accessed March 12, 2025, http://libraryexhibits.uvm.edu/omeka/items/show/1337.
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